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Energy Consulting in Lower Austria
  • News blog

To make sure househols and businesses are fully aware of all the intricacies of the current energy market, the Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria has set up a consulting service for citizens and municipalities.

  • 2 min read
YmpyräKS: Towards Sustainable and Circular Business
  • News blog

In recent years, the awareness of customers has increased, and simultaneously new opportunities for SMEs to make their business even more sustainable are available. Sustainability, circular economy, carbon neutrality, compensations, zero emissions – all these require business to critically evaluate

  • 1 min read
Energy sufficiency in the Ile-de-France Region
  • News blog

Following the organisation of a series of workshops on energy sufficiency since 2019, AREC Île-de-France, the energy and climate department of the Paris Region Institute, reinforced its commitment on this topic through several initiatives:

  • 1 min read
Supporting Walloon local authorities in their work for Energy Transition
  • News blog

Local authorities play a key role in the energy transition and the fight against climate change, especially in the «post-covid» era. Because of their local nature and potential added value for all stakeholders in a territory, energy projects can no longer be dissociated from the policies of local

  • 1 min read
Sustainable Communities Wales
  • News blog

Between 2018 and 2021, Severn Wye was the lead partner on the Sustainable Communities Wales programme, providing free resource efficiency advice and specialist support to community organisations across Wales.

  • 1 min read
EKIOLA: Prosumer PV Cooperatives in the Basque Country
  • News blog

EKIOLA is a public-private initiative promoted by the Company KREAN and the Basque Energy Agency (EVE) that is leading the creation of prosumer power cooperatives in the Basque Country through agreements with municipalities and citizens.

  • 1 min read
Upper Austria: Solar Champions – proud of PV!
  • News blog

In its new PV strategy, the region of Upper Austria set itself the goal of achieving 200,000 rooftop PV systems by 2030, thereby increasing solar capacity tenfold! T

  • 2 min read
Self-consumption Observatory in Catalonia
  • News blog

From 2019 to the present, the PV self-consumption sector in Catalonia has grown very significantly, because of the significant reduction in costs of PV installations and the approval of a more favourable regulation for this technology.

  • 1 min read