The ManagEnergy Expert Missions are tailored to the needs and interests of the host agencies: energy communities, innovative finance, strategic development, communication… They provide in-depth onsite support, training and direct one-to-one coaching to local and regional energy agencies. Tell us what your priority is and we will help you realise your ambition!
How does it work?
The host agency is matched with a ManagEnergy Expert based on their area of expertise. Once the agenda is agreed, the expert visits the agency for up to 3 days of interactive work and customised support and training. The missions also include meetings with regional/local stakeholders selected by you in order to boost your impact within the region and create new opportunities. The expert gathers information about successful initiatives and projects developed by the host agency and shares them with the energy agency community and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).
The ManagEnergy Experts represent energy agencies senior staff, consultants in energy/finance fields, OSS operators, project development experts and knowledge leaders in the sustainable energy, finance and collective action sectors. They represent a comprehensive range of knowledge, expertise in addition to the wide geographical spread. They have extensive experience in providing in-depth trainings and coaching services.
Covered costs
The ManagEnergy initiative covers costs for the expert and the host agency is responsible for the meeting facilities and for selecting and inviting stakeholders. A total of 28 Expert Missions are planned up to March 2026.
Discover our expert missions in pictures
ManagEnergy - Expert mission #1: visit of Seamus Hoyne in Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, EstoniaManagEnergy - Expert mission #1: visit of Seamus Hoyne in Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, EstoniaSeamus Hoyne ManagEnergy - Expert mission #2: visit of Francisco Puente in Valencia, SpainManagEnergy - Expert mission #2: visit of Francisco Puente in Valencia, SpainFrancisco Puente ManagEnergy - Expert mission #1: visit of Seamus Hoyne in Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, Estonia ManagEnergy - Expert mission #1: visit of Seamus Hoyne in Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, EstoniaSeamus Hoyne ManagEnergy - Expert mission #2: visit of Francisco Puente in Valencia, SpainManagEnergy - Expert mission #2: visit of Francisco Puente in Valencia, SpainFrancisco Puente