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Energy and Industry Geography Lab

The Energy and Industry Geography Lab is a tool for geographical data related to energy, industry and infrastructure, developed and maintained by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.


Publication date
5 July 2022


The Energy and Industry Geography Lab is a tool for geographical data related to energy, industry and infrastructure. The tool makes it possible to find and filter energy-related data, and create and share maps displaying this data. It shows where to find clean energy, if the necessary infrastructure is in place, or whether there is land available for the installation of renewable energies. It also hosts socio-economic information, and offers forward-looking capabilities, as it includes geospatial data from scenario work by the Commission and third parties.

The Energy and Industry Geography Lab enables analyses and assessments that support Europe’s transition to climate neutrality.

Access the tool and dedicated platform

Data free for public use

The data in the Energy and Industry Geography Lab are free for public use. The use of these data is authorised, if the source is acknowledged: ©JRC/EIGL 2022.

For some datasets, individual copyright notices and terms of use apply. Those can be found in the files metadata file.


Information about the data sources used for the Energy and Industry Geography Lab can be found in the data documentation.

The metadata file includes all metadata information related to the datasets used according to the INSPIRE technical guidance for metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:2007.

Energy and Industry Geography Lab


10 MAY 2023
The Energy and Industry Geography Lab