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News blog8 June 20232 min read

Sustainable Business Bridge

Also in Sweden, companies and society need to drastically reduce emissions and increase resource efficiency. The Sustainable Business Bridge project helps enterprises to achieve these goals while also boosting business opportunities.

Sustainable Business Bridge
Left-right: Emma Svartsjaern and Sofia Antonsen from Luleå Energi; Inger Edlund Pedersen and Sofia Sjödin from Greenably/Energikontor Norr. Credit: Magnus Stenberg

“What it all comes down to, is to help companies find smart solutions for the sustainability challenges and in the process helping innovative suppliers find new business”

Companies and society need to decrease their CO2 emissions and increase resource efficiency by re-using and re-cycling materials at a much higher level than today. There is an urgency to drastically speed up the sustainability transformation and the project Sustainable Business Bridge wants to be that bridge to accelerate the process.

Energikontor Norr (North Sweden Energy Agency) is the project owner of Sustainable Business Bridge and the keyword is match-making. By building the brand Greenably and starting a match-making service for sustainability challenges Sustainable Business Bridge plays a part in accelerating the process. Greenably supports companies and organizations to be brave and search for new ways forward to find innovative and sustainable solutions. At the same time, Greenably boosts and supports suppliers with new business opportunities. Greenably also arranges digital match-making events where companies talk about their challenge and suppliers pitch solution proposals.

“For the companies we work with, this saves a lot of time. In addition, we can find solutions that they didn’t know about and didn’t have time to look for. For example, we may have to turn to the world of research or other industries to find a solution. That sort of cross-sectoral fusion is still unexploited.”

Inger Edlund Pedersen, Project Manager from North Sweden Energy Agency.


“Without help, we would not have been able to be as active in this issue as we want to be. The transition includes so many aspects and we need collaborations to cover such a broad spectrum.”

Sofia Antonsen, Development Manager at Luleå Energi, one of the companies in the project.


Sustainable Business Bridge is an EU-funded project during the period June 2020 – April 2023. The collaborative partner is WIN Winning Innovation I Lund. Sustainable Business Bridge connects the northern part of Sweden with the south.

Funding comes from European regional funds, Region Norrbotten, Luleå kommun, Bodens kommun, Piteå kommun, Gällivare Näringsliv, 3EFlow, EON, GreenExergy, Kraftringen, Nordkonsult, Relitor and Wibax.


Publication date
8 June 2023