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  • News article
  • 5 February 2020
  • 2 min read

Final ManagEnergy Master Class: what was learnt?

Module 3 focused on Risk analysis and development of Guarantee Schemes! Discover what was learnt!

Final ManagEnergy Master Class: what was learnt?

On the 3rd to the 5th of February 2020, the last ManagEnergy Master Class took place. In this last session, 26 participants from 17 different countries gathered to learn about Risk analysis and development of Guarantee Schemes. Modules 1 and 2 focused on Market Facilitation and The Involvement of Banks and Mobilising Private Investment respectively. The aim of Module 3 is to increase the knowledge of participants in the development and use of financial instruments with a focus on risk coverage so that they can plan and implement the most challenging investment projects. This module was facilitated by the North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA).

Day 1 started with an Ice-breaking session for participants and a talk to refresh the knowledge from the previous modules. It was followed by the Fundamentals of risk assessment and mitigation presented by REGEA, where the different parts of risk management were taught including natures of risks, risk assessment methods, risk allocation and financial risks mitigation strategies. At the end of the day, there was a practical activity where participants needed to identify, classify and quantify risks and develop a comprehensive mitigation strategy in different cases.

The second day began with a presentation on the uses of structural funds through financial instruments, with country case studies. Later, Daniel Encinas from AGENEX conducted an online conference on Guarantee Schemes, where he presented HouseEEnvest, a project which intends to unlock private investment in buildings and promote energy efficiency. After a short break, a talk on Public-private partnership (PPP) & EPC – Compare and Contrast was held, which explained the general distinctions between PPP projects/contracts with energy standards and primarily EPC project/contracts (solely energy related contracts); and gave an overview of general structure of PPP contracts with focus on output specifications and payment mechanisms. The session ended with a practical exercise in groups on how to structure output specifications and linking payment with performance in contracts.

The last day commenced with presentations from EASME and the EIB on Project Development Assistance (PDA) and ELENA practicalities. This was followed by the continuation of the practical work started on previous days, and the final group presentations. After lunch, a presentation of the EU City Facility was held; and after a brief feedback discussion and summary, the participants’ certificates were handed by Velimir Segon and Anette Jahn, head of sector in the Energy Unit at EASME, who ensured that “the European Commission is very much aware of the unique role that energy agencies play in their regions and in the energy transition.”

There are several reasons why professionals participate in Managenergy Master Classes. Isabella Katsimenis from Energikontornorr came to the master class with the aim to meet new possible collaborators at the European level for future projects as well as to learn how to bring funding to her region, and she claims that she has been able to achieve it. “We had both aspects: the theoretical part and then the practical part, where had workshops in which we were able to really dive into a project that we imagined together” stated Rogelio Bonilla from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Velimir Segon, one of the trainers of the REGEA Team, revealed that this has been one of the best audiences he had trained, as they were highly motivated and participative.


Master classes
Publication date
5 February 2020