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News blog8 June 20231 min read

Cartoon Saloon: sustainable animation studio

Cartoon Saloon is a five-time Academy Award®, Golden Globe®, BAFTA, and Emmy-nominated animation studio. Now, they are chasing the greatest honour of all: carbon neutrality. To help them chart their path, Tipperary Energy Agency has entered the stage

Cartoon Saloon: sustainable animation studio
Cartoon Saloon

Cartoon Saloon is an Irish SME with 180 employees. The company is a five-time Academy Award®, Golden Globe®, BAFTA, and Emmy-nominated animation studio. From award-winning shorts to feature films and TV series, Cartoon Saloon has carved a special place in the international animation industry.

The company approached Tipperary Energy Agency to assist them in developing their sustainability strategy. The first step in developing the strategy has been to capture the Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions data for the company. Once this work is completed, Tipperary Energy Agency will work with the senior management team in Cartoon Saloon to create a sustainability plan and chart a path to carbon neutrality. This is the first example of an animation company in Ireland working with a public agency to undertake this work and we hope to share the lessons learned with the wider sector in Ireland.

Cartoon Saloon would like to be a pioneer in sustainable development among Irish SMEs and has already implemented many of the low-hanging energy savings measures at their offices based in Kilkenny, Ireland. These include LED lighting projects, a vegan studio policy, and cycle commuting for their employees. They are also looking for additional ways such as turning off unnecessary equipment completely in the offices rather than in standby mode, plug-in timers for office equipment, and the development of energy KPIs to achieve further savings from their buildings. Tipperary Energy Agency is helping them to quantify their savings, so having data on the actual costs will be hugely valuable to the team. The lessons learned by the company and the paths that they follow will be a real motivation for similar companies around Ireland and will help others to follow in their footsteps, embracing sustainability at the core of their businesses.


Publication date
8 June 2023