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News article7 February 20191 min read

The 4th ManagEnergy Master Class

A few weeks, 29 professionals from Local and Regional Energy Agencies attended the last Master Class on Module 1 in Brussels.

The 4th ManagEnergy Master Class

The fourth ManagEnergy Master Class gathers 29 senior professionals from Local and Regional Energy Agencies to learn about how to develop sustainable energy projects from concept to implementation. The initiative will empower energy agencies to facilitate and support sustainable energy investments at local/regional level.

Staff of energy agencies from 16 EU countries learns from experienced trainers on how to develop and implement market services to support sustainable energy project investments and bring the benefits of the low carbon economy to their local and regional communities.

The 3 trainers: Christiane Egger (OÖ Energiesparverband – AT), Paul Kenny (Tipperary Energy Agency -IE) and Seamus Hoyne (Limerick Institute of Technology – IE) will focus on how to stimulate energy agency staff to use financial tools and reflect on potential barriers for project development and financing.

Through lessons and group exercises, participants will learn how to evaluate the main financial indicators i.e., Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, cost of capital, financial risk analysis/management. Split in groups, they will develop business cases and experience how to pitch their project concepts and engage with different stakeholders on profitability and strategic value, financial viability, technical and maintenance issues.

You can see here the detailed agenda for Module 1. 

We were honoured to be joined by Mr Michele Sansoni, EASME and Mr Dirk Peter, European Commission - DG Energy to welcome participants to this ManagEnergy Master Class.

This was the third and final session of module 1, taking place from 29-31 of January 2019 in the Belgian Comics Art Museum in Brussels.

The next Master (Class-Module 2) will be from 3-5 April 2019. Registration are open !



Master classes
Publication date
7 February 2019