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The Green Deal in political turmoil: which narratives for climate policies?

The survey report of the Energy Efficiency Watch LIFE-CET project is now out!


Publication date
26 June 2024
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The survey collected the feedbacks and views from over 1370 energy efficiency experts about the progress of energy efficiency policies in the EU27 Member States in the last 3 years.

Energy Efficiency, cornerstone of the energy transition

Energy Efficiency is a cornerstone of the energy transition and one of the core pillars of the EU Green Deal. According to the Coalition for Energy Savings, energy efficiency is bringing a huge potential in the energy transition, as each additional 1% increase of the 2030 energy efficiency target would save 3.2 billion euros in fossil fuel imports and would create at least 56,000 jobs across Europe.

Assessing Energy Efficiency progress thanks to the EEW5

In the light of these findings, The Energy Efficiency Watch (EEW5) has started a new 3-year phase of activities.

One key activity of the EEW5 project was an extensive survey in which 1,376 energy
efficiency experts from all 27 Member States were consulted. The aim of the survey
was twofold:

  • Firstly, to learn how they see the “real-life” progress of energy efficiency
    policies in their own countries (similar to the EEW surveys carried out in 2012, 2015 and
  • Secondly, it aimed to contribute to a deeper understanding of what makes
    successful narratives. It enquired about the current positioning of energy efficiency in the
    public debate and the perception of key stakeholders’ opinions on it.
    The survey was carried out between March and July 2023, mainly using an online
    questionnaire. Participants were mostly from the business and public sectors, universities
    and research, and energy agencies.

Read the Executive Summary

Building strong narratives on Energy Efficiency

The Energy Efficiency Watch also previously published the Narrative Brochure – a tool for policy makers to support in the drafting of energy efficiency policies. The design and implementation of energy efficiency policies, and on a broader level the energy transition, can be accelerated if accompanied by supportive narratives.

Read the Narratives Brochure



  • 26 JUNE 2024
Read the full Survey Report