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The EPBD decrypted: read the new report of the BPIE

The newly published report of the BPIE on the EPBD is providing a clear and comprehensive analysis of the directive, helping to delve into all the new provisions that will rule the renovation wave. Have a read!


On Monday 6th of May 2024, the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) published its analysis of the adopted Energy Performance of the Buildings Directive (EPBD) in a paper called “the EPBD decrypted: a treasure chest of opportunities to accelerate building decarbonisation”. This publication summarises the revised Directive into a 33-page report, clarifying some (complex) provisions, and highlighting the main measures for transposition and implementation.

The key messages are the following:

  • While several of its provisions might have lost strength and clarity during the negotiating process, the EPBD remains the most important legislative driver for change in the buildings sector. And change is needed:  the building stock is still not on track to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 (as shown by the EU Buildings Climate Tracker)
  • This paper highlights the most important provisions of the EPBD recast: Updated standards for new buildings, including provisions relating to whole-life carbon emissions; Minimum Energy Performance Standards to renovate the worst-performing non-residential buildings; A mandatory trajectory for the progressive renovation of the residential segment; Improved EPCs; An EU framework for the uptake of renovation passports; A stronger role for one-stop-shops; And more!
  • The EPBD transposition will last two years. This period will be crucial to get policies right at the national level.
  • The recast pays special attention to the social fairness of all provisions. Recognition is given to the social aspects of building decarbonisation policies, with the introduction of legal definitions for specific concepts such as ‘energy poverty’ and ‘vulnerable households’.

Find out more in the report, and enjoy your reading!



  • 21 MAY 2024
The EPBD decrypted: read the new report of the BPIE