ManagEnergy Master Class #1: recap of 3 days of intense training - European Commission
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  • News article
  • 31 May 2023
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 3 min read

ManagEnergy Master Class #1: recap of 3 days of intense training

23 staff from local and regional energy agencies and public authorities were selected to participate in the first Master Class on Market Facilitation and Project Aggregation, delivered over 3 days in May 2023.

ManagEnergy Master Class 1

In order to achieve the EU’s climate and energy targets, mobilising private investments will be paramount. This means that local and regional agency agencies have to move beyond kilowatt hours and start thinking in terms of money an investments. The goal of the first ManagEnergy Master Class was to support participants in operating this change within their organisations.


The Master Class took place in a blended format:

  • A first session was organised online on the 4th of May  morning;
  • The second session took place in Brussels on the 16th and 17th of May;
  • The final online session was on the 30th of May.


Like all ManagEnergy Master Classes, this first edition was based on some key elements that made it a success: an interactive and diverse format, active involvement from participants but also from the European Commission, and clear learning outcomes.


An interactive format

All sessions included a mix of problem-solving exercises, case studies and guest lectures. The best practice examples used came from experienced energy agencies in Austria, Croatia Ireland, Slovenia. They portrayed different services (one-stop-shop for building renovation, for energy communities, streetlight retrofit programme, etc.) but they all shared the characteristic of having reached a significant scale.

In Brussels, participants had the chance to listen to Paul Kearny from Solas Capital who presented the Solas Sustainable Energy Fund (SSEF) - a specialist investment fund supported by the EU offering off-balance sheet debt funding for EE projects.

Homework and group work focused on identifying triggers and barriers for the establishment of a new service, as well as the relevant stakeholders; prepare a financial analysis of a proposed investment project and pitch it for the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer; develop a Programme Development Plan for a large scale sustainable energy investment or a new energy service.

"The format was great. We were able to get theoretical elements, updates on EU policies, and practical exercises. It allowed be to discover financial instruments which was a new field for me.” Océane Cicera, Paris Climate Agency

ManagEnergy Master Class 1 - Océane Cicera


Active Involvement from European Commission

Several representatives of the European Commission (from CINEA - Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and from DG Energy) attended each session to give relevant updates to participants about EU policies and Calls for Proposals.

Céline Tougeron also presented the work CINEA does on Project Development Asisstance, linking financial institutions with projects to encourage them to invest. This PDA programme is one of the LIFE Call for proposals currently open under the Clean Energy Transition Sub-programme.

It was a true added value for participants to be able to network with the European Commission during the programme, and receive official information first-hand. This proves that ManagEnergy is an initiative of importance to CINEA, as mentioned by Anette Jahn.

“ManagEnergy is  a key programme for supporting our policy objectives. It has grown into a knowledge hub and community and has been able to reinvent itself over the years.” Anette Jahn, CINEA


ManagEnergy Master Class 1 - classroom


A Key Takeaway: know your stakeholders!

Amongst all the lectures on Market Facilitation, Energy Performance Contracting, Financial Analysis, ELENA, etc. trainers and guest lecturers have all made something clear: communicating with the stakeholders is key.

“Trust is one of the most important thing you need to establish. Don’t underestimate the users of your projects. It is sometimes more important than the technical aspects of the projects.” Vlasta Krmelj, Energap


This lesson was indeed one of the learning outcomes of the class:

  • Evaluate the critical stakeholders and market actors in an energy sector supply chain and develop appropriate engagement plans;
  • Critically evaluate the financial viability of projects of appropriate scale and complexity, relevant to their Agency and region;
  • Evaluate appropriate financing solutions and instruments which can be applied to projects in relevant energy sectors;
  • Analyse procurement options available for project implementation and the role of energy agencies in facilitating such procurement;
  • Develop project management plans, incl. risk management, for potential projects;
  • Appraise opportunities for project facilitation and project financing services.


Master Classes
Publication date
31 May 2023
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency