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  • News blog
  • 18 April 2023
  • 1 min read

Rehabilitation of obstetrics and gynecology hospital [RO]

Rehabilitation of obstetrics and gynecology hospital [RO]

The Prahova County Council started running the project entitled «Extension, rehabilitation, modernisation and endowment of the integrated ambulatory of Ploiesti Obstetrics Gynecology Hospital» with non-reimbursable European funds, through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 8, Operation A.

For the elaboration of the project, the Prahova County Council was supported by AE3R, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Agency of Ploiesti-Prahova, which carried out the energy audit for the hospital’s building and participated in all stages of the project.

The project comprises a series of Energy Efficiency measures to be implemented, such as:

  •  the thermal insulation of the facades, the terrace and the flooring;
  • replacing the exterior windows and doors with high performances ones;
  • replacing all lighting fixtures with LED ones;
  •  installing 180 vacuum tube solar panels covering 75% of the Hospital’s hot water consumption.

AE3R actively supports the achievement of national and European targets on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, assisting local authorities in Prahova County, Romania, and even abroad.

The overall objective of the project is to increase the accessibility of health services and to improve the health status of the population in Prahova County by providing citizens with conditions that comply with the standards and which are suitable for their needs.

The total value of the project is of about 3.700.000 EUR, out of which 98% represents non-refundable financing, and 2% represents Prahova County Council’s co-financing. Through this project, the primary energy consumption will be reduced by approximately 46%, and the CO2 emissions will be reduced by 58%.

MORE: (Romanian, English)

CONTACT: officeatae3r-ploiesti [dot] ro (office[at]ae3r-ploiesti[dot]ro)

Photo credit: AE3R - the Ploiesti Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital before & after expected rehabilitation


Publication date
18 April 2023