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News blog18 April 20231 min read

Avila Smart Rural Territory: ICTs in rural areas [ES]

Avila Smart Rural Territory: ICTs in rural areas [ES]

Avila County Council developed a regional project to provide public services for Avila citizens, making use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
With the Regional Public Administration’s (Junta de Castilla y León) support, the provincial service of water management and provincial waste service are controlled with nanosensors that, connected to a general platform, provide relevant information and reports on all the parameters needed to offer the best quality and guarantee service.
With all the information the system provides, Avila County Council is able to organize more efficient routes of waste collection and maintain a cheaper and secure water quality control.


CONTACT: apeaatdiputacionavila [dot] es (apea[at]diputacionavila[dot]es)


Publication date
18 April 2023