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News blog3 May 20232 min read

Energy DataHub of the Regional Administration of Castilla y León

Energy DataHub of the Regional Administration of Castilla y León

The Energy Datahub consists of a compendium of computerised energy information in open data, obtained through the OPTE tool (an online tool listing all energy contracts and consumptions in public buildings for optimisation of energy contracting). Both the Energy Datahub and OPTE have been developed by EREN and the IT Department of the Regional Administration.

The main objective of the Datahub is the control of energy costs by the Regional Administration of Castilla y León. It aims to raise awareness internally and externally about energy savings and energy efficiency through the slogan “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”, starting with the Administration itself. The results of the implementation of the EnergyDatahub in open data have been very positive since they have allowed to improve the brand reputation of the Regional Administration among citizens both as an effective and efficient Administration and in terms of transparency, through the publication of all the energy data related to its operation.

What concrete numbers can be provided to measure the results?

  • The OPTE tool generates automated energy reports with comparisons of monthly consumption (hourly in hospitals). It provides KPIs for each building of the same type, comparing consumption and expenditure by area or average occupation, and providing a value for good practices.
  • It has an energy saving potential of 10% of consumption through demand management measures, which represents a potential saving of 22.000 MWh/year of electric energy.
  • It is used to measure the performance of the contracts between the Regional Administration and energy services companies.

What are the benefits produced?

  • It allows SMEs in the energy sector to improve and focus their offers on the real needs of public administrations. 
  • It promotes and boosts energy efficiency among citizens and SMEs.
  • The data is offered in reusable formats, which multiplies its value and allows to generate economic activities associated with the treatment and use of published data.

Who are the stakeholders involved and what role do they play?

  • EREN technicians manage the Administration’s OPTE tool, defining the datasets to be published and the display templates.
  • Regional Administration IT Services manage the platform publishing the data and displaying associated maps and graphics.
  • Energy service companies adapt their services based on the published information.
  • Software development companies based on government datasets.
  • Companies in general are developing similar tools for recording and controlling their own energy consumption.




E-Mail: erenatjcyl [dot] es (eren[at]jcyl[dot]es)





Publication date
3 May 2023