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Publications (97)

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  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

The E3G report compares eight international retrofit loan schemes, including those from France and Germany.

  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, European Commission Library

Explore how advanced district heating and cooling systems are paving the way for a greener Europe. Learn how these solutions reduce energy waste and integrate renewable sources to decarbonize cities. Check out our latest booklet for insights!

  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

ePlanet’s new Policy Recommendations report reveals four key strategies for advancing EU energy transition!

  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

The European Commission's July 2024 study provides guidelines to help EU countries streamline permitting and identify optimal locations for renewable energy projects under the revised Renewable Energy Directive.

  • General publications

Seven energy agencies collaborated to create 15 Climate Neutrality Services, such as workshops, consulting, and training programmes, aimed at empowering communities and local governments to achieve climate neutrality.

  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Through an analysis of 6 successful One-Stop-Shops, this report by ComActivate underscores the growing significance of OSSs in bridging the gap between energy efficiency subsidies and building renovations.

  • Tool guidance
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

The standardised Smart EPC concept documentation is relevant for inventory data collection and analysis of the public lighting system. Check out all the tools to help you prepare energy performance contracting projects!

  • General publications
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

This report is based on current policies and market developments. It forecasts the deployment of renewable energy technologies to 2028 while also exploring key challenges to the industry and identifying barriers to faster growth.