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ManagEnergy Publishable Report 2017 - 2020

Discover all the activities that the ManagEnergy Team led during those three years and how it helped energy agencies lead the Energy Transition.


Publication date
21 January 2021


ManagEnergy is the European Commission’s initiative dedicated to local and regional energy agencies, led by the Limerick Institute of Technology and managed by an ambitious consortium of leading European energy agencies (B.&S.U., Berlin Energy Agency, OÖ Energiesparverband, REGEA, Tipperary Energy Agency) and their network (FEDARENE). It was restarted in 2017 to assist energy agencies in becoming leaders in the energy transition and increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities.

The ManagEnergy initiative is based on the idea that more energy efficiency and renewable energy investments are needed at the local/regional level in Europe and that energy agencies are in a unique position to support the energy transition in their regions and cities. This is why we provide information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities, to support local and regional energy agencies in delivering new services or boosting existing ones.

Lots has been achieved in three years. Our support to energy agencies mostly took the form of capacity-building and networking activities. 8 Master Classes, 21 Expert Missions, 3 Networking Events were organised, involving 85 energy agencies from 25 countries. Our 3 ManagEnergy Talks alone have gathered 525 stakeholders from the sustainable energy field. Over all expert mission activities, 680 attendees were present, including both energy agencies’ management and staff, as well as stakeholders of the region. In total, the initiative thus gathered a crowd of over 1500 attendees.

As a result, many agencies were felt empowered to boost sustainable energy and energy efficiency investments in their cities and regions. In total, more than € 750 million of investments were triggered by ManagEnergy participant agencies. With these investments, European cities and regions will benefit from more efficient buildings and public lighting; more comfortable and healthier homes; cleaner air; increased supply of green energy and more sustainable transport.

Over the last three years, ManagEnergy has also strengthened its community. Regular events were hosted to stimulate debate, engagement and knowledge sharing. This was also augmented with our active online presence and through social media. The ManagEnergy website has become a reference point for stakeholders of the EU sustainable energy sector, providing dozens of good practices and resources. Our newsletters were read by hundreds of staff from local and regional energy agencies.

If there was one thing to remember from our journey, it is that local and regional energy agencies have a key role to play in the decarbonisation of the European Union. They have the capacity to be the bridge between all actors of the energy transition: citizens, public authorities, private companies… They have to be aware of this force and publicly claim and own this role.

In the following pages, the evidence to back up this ambition is presented. You will learn more about the definition and role of energy agencies, the activities undertaken by ManagEnergy over the last three years, our achievements and recommendations for the future.

ManagEnergy Publishable Report 2017 - 2020


15 MAY 2023
ManagEnergy Publishable Report 2017 - 2020