Through its cohesion policy, the European Union works to reduce disparities both in the levels of development and in quality of life in European regions. It promotes actions aiming at making the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive, thus improving quality of life of the inhabitants. The large majority of the funds designated to reduce these disparities are managed at the regional or national levels. The European Union believes that regional development can also be improved through cooperation across borders.
In this context, the Interreg Europe programme supports the exchange and transfer of experience, innovative approaches and capacity building among public authorities and other policy relevant organisations across Europe with a view to improving their regional development policy instruments including programmes under the Investment for jobs and growth goal.
Moreover, Interreg Europe’s 3rd call for application is available! This is a call for proposals for interregional cooperation projects. The call is open from 20 March to 7 June 2024. These projects gather policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe working together on a common regional development issue. Download on the link below the terms of reference and draft application form for more information.
Apply for the call here.
- Publication date
- 27 March 2024
- Author
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency