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  • News blog
  • 17 April 2023
  • 1 min read

The fight against fuel poverty on Reunion Island [FR]

 The fight against fuel poverty on Reunion Island

Since 2014, Energies Réunion, the energy agency in Reunion Island, is in charge of implementing and animating the national SLIME project - Local Scheme for Energy Efficiency. This project is developed with the financial support of the electricity supplier EDF and of the Réunion’s Regional Council.

SLIME aims to find solutions for fuel-poor households. The different steps are: locate the fuel-poor families, lead a diagnosis, find solutions and guide families toward these measures to reduce energy usage at home.

The SLIME project allows local authorities to provide concrete solutions about the issues of fuel poverty, to reduce the energy demand from the grid and finally, to decrease GHG emissions.
Up to now, more than 4.500 households on the Reunion Island have been benefitting from the SLIME project and from the related energy diagnosis. In addition, more than 6.500 energy-efficient equipment were delivered which permitted to save 2 GWh of electricity consumption per year.

MORE: (French)

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Publication date
17 April 2023