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  • News article
  • 26 September 2018
  • 2 min read

Expert Mission 3: Visit of Julije Domac And Velimir Šegon to Lower Austria

The Mission was delivered on 19-21 September with the Energy Agency of Regions.

Expert Mission 3: Visit of Julije Domac And Velimir Šegon to Lower Austria

The Energy Agency of Regions ( has been established since 1998 and operates with a staff of 8 members. The agency covers most of the Lower Austria Province with a slight focus on several northern district. The intensive 3-days Expert Mission was delivered by Dr Julije Domac, Director of the North-West Croatia regional energy agency (REGEA) with the support from his colleague Velimir Šegon. The main aim was to help the Energy Agency of Regions to plan and apply for a large-scale ELENA funded investment project. The mission consisted in several y meetings, sessions and events:

  • Introductory meeting and get-to-know exchange;
  • Public events - Thayaland Circle workshop and Climate and Energy Summit Waldviertel 2018;
  • Stakeholders sessions – Advisors and planners, Enterprises, Awareness raising, Energy consumers, Energy production, Financing.
Visit of Julije Domac And Velimir Šegon

In addition, several site visits were organised to understand the local context. The first day involved the management team of the Agency including the chair of the Management Board. This day was used to draft a vision for a potential ELENA programme which should contain investments in sectors of buildings (energy retrofit), PV, energy production and e-mobility. An interactive discussion was held on the topic of EU projects including advice on payment dynamics, application success rates, possible partnerships and experiences so far.

The second day was used to refine the project idea. A vision of Waldviertel as an energy independent/energy producer district was created. Models and examples from the North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency, and other energy agencies across Europe, were discussed. Attention was given to the active involvement of various stakeholders, and significant time was dedicated to discussing options on how to raise awareness of the general public and other stakeholders. This day was concluded with a visit to the local shoe factory which created and implemented a successful crowd funding model. 

The third and last day was used to discuss options to support building new renewable energy capacities (especially wind) within the region of Waldviertel. Visiting experts presented some best practices from EU energy agencies (Picardie Pass, Superhomes, national revolving fund from Lithuania etc.).


Stay tuned to discover the following ManagEnergy Expert Missions through our news section! 

Information on Expert Missions and the registration process to become a Host Energy Agency is available here:


Expert missions
Publication date
26 September 2018