EIB-Elena Interventions: Supporting Local Authorities in Their Green Transition - European Commission
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  • News blog
  • 28 October 2024
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

EIB-Elena Interventions: Supporting Local Authorities in Their Green Transition

An initiative by IRE is effectively supporting eight municipalities and one province in the Liguria Region during the post-ELENA phase, ensuring that all awarded contracts and projects stay on course.

 Illustration : © Gianluca via Pixabay
Illustration : © Gianluca via Pixabay

In 2015, the Province of Savona, along with 33 municipalities, launched the “PROSPER – PROvince of Savona Pact for Energy and Renewables” investment program, backed by the European Investment Bank’s ELENA instrument. Designed by the regional energy agency IRE, this initiative had a budget of €1.46 million and aimed to attract €42 million in private investments for the public sector through Energy Performance Contracting (EPC). By the end of its three-year duration, the program successfully completed EPC contracts for energy retrofitting in 91 public buildings and upgraded eight public street lighting systems.

As the project concluded, it became clear that local authorities required ongoing support for monitoring and evaluating the interventions outlined in the contracts to ensure efficient implementation by the selected contractors. Recognizing this need, IRE stepped in to assist.

With extensive experience in monitoring energy contracts—particularly for health facilities in the Liguria Region—IRE's certified experts in energy management and energy efficiency verification are well-equipped for this task.

Currently, IRE supports the Province of Savona and eight municipalities in executing their ELENA contracts, serving as a Verification Committee to assess the outcomes delivered by the concession holders. Annually, IRE conducts evaluations of energy savings, which for street lighting have exceeded 75%, relying on available data and conducting random on-site inspections.

This experience underscores the importance of energy agencies in providing long-term support to local authorities engaged in ELENA projects, especially during the post-project phase. Given the technical complexities involved in monitoring energy contracts, local and regional energy agencies play a crucial role in ensuring that projects remain on track, thereby accelerating the green transition at the local level.

“Energy agencies are uniquely positioned to assist local authorities in the post-ELENA phase, ensuring effective monitoring and oversight of awarded contracts to keep interventions on course,” notes Maria Fabianelli, a board member of IRE Liguria.


Source: Liguria Regional Energy Agency (IRE)


