We welcome all commitments, no matter how small, and by committing to the cause, you will have access to the Covenant’s suite of support services to help you achieve your aims and be able to apply for a Seal of Approval. You will also receive exclusive access to our Covenant Community, and your company’s name will be added to the list of Covenant signatories that form part of our community.
How to pledge with the Covenant of Companies
Any company, regardless of their size and sector, based in an EU member state, is eligible to submit a pledge with the Covenant of Companies.
In making a pledge with the CCCE, businesses commit to taking action to decarbonise. In return, the CCCE offer them the knowledge and support they need to carry out these measures.
Companies who commit to finding ways to decarbonise automatically become a CCCE signatory and gain access to information and guidance to help decide which measure/s (if any) they wish to take.
Companies who commit to take action will receive support in the form of online tools and one-to-one technical assistance to help achieve their target. Companies having taken one or more measures to decarbonise will be rewarded with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Seal, depending on the extent of their efforts and investment.
A four-level Pledging system
The CCCE offers a pyramid approach with four levels of commitment.
Entry level: Companies commit to taking reasonable efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gain access to guidance materials, expert courses, peer learning, and recognition as an official signatory of the CCCE.
Bronze level: Companies commit to taking at least one measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gain access to guidance materials, masterclasses, peer learning, one-to-one technical assistance. They receive a Bronze Seal after taking action and are awarded a Bronze Seal award.
Silver level: Companies commit to taking several measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gain access to guidance materials, masterclasses, peer learning, one-to-one technical assistance. They receive a Silver Seal after taking action and recognition as a Silver Seal awardee.
Gold level: Companies commit to taking all possible measures available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gain access to guidance materials, masterclasses, peer learning one-to-one, technical assistance. They receive a Gold Seal after taking action and recognition as a Gold Seal awardee.
Companies can move up the levels as they take more action towards reducing emissions; reporting on progress and results is required to maintain access to resources and recognition.
Benefits of pledging for companies
- Reduction of energy bills
- Doing the right thing by the planet
- Greater employee engagement
- Competitive advantage
- Visibility and recognition
Main steps for pledgin

Find all details on the various levels of pledging and the associated benefits in the CCCE Pledging Guide.

Watch the full recording of the Pledging and Technical Assistance Webinar (23 May 2023):
- Publication date
- 11 July 2023