The Paris Climate Agency was created in January 2011 on the initiative of the City of Paris. With over 43,000 condominiums in Paris (1.2 million flats), their main mission is to follow co-owners through the retrofitting of their buildings. This is why CoachCopro was created in 2013. First developed in the Paris Metropolitan area. CoachCopro is the only national resource centre for energy retrofit of condominiums and can be consulted by every French co-owner. It is also a tool that allows every territory to follow the retrofitting projects. Moreover, 28 territories are members of the CoachCopro network and use it as a management tool (CRM).
In 2023, 75% of the French condominium stock is covered by CoachCopro, meaning that co-owners can subscribe to be supported by an advisor. In November 2023, 1 million apartments were involved with the platform. CoachCopro is the only platform fully dedicated to the energy renovation of condominiums in France.
CoachCopro for co-owners
Free for co-owners and trustees, CoachCopro is composed of:
• A national homepage containing all the essential resources to understand and carry out an energy retrofitting project. It contains technical documentation, news, events, feedback, or institutional resources. The home page offers to co-owners (or trustees) to enter a postal code to have access to personalised resources and to find the local France Rénov’ (national public service for retrofitting) structure.
• A “project” space accessible by registering. Co-owners and trustees have access to a workspace with information of the condominium, the stakeholders, the retrofit project.
CoachCopro for advisors and professionals
CoachCopro is also a management tool, accessible only to the France Renov’ adherent structures. Each advisor can fill up technical indicators (building year, number of flats, heating source etc.), information about the retrofitting project (work type, amount etc.), and log all calls and meetings with co-owners. On CoachCopro, there are about 500 experience feedback on retrofitted condominiums. All the data can then be analysed to improve public policies.
In the greater Paris area, CoachCopro supports a directory of professionals with more than 500 professionals from different fields (architects, project managers, technical officers…) registered to ease contact with co-owners.
CoachCopro, the network
CoachCopro is now a national network of people working on the retrofit of condominiums, including 150 advisors. The Paris Climate Agency employs one person full time for the facilitation of the network newsletter, webinars, national events, trainings etc.
Source: Paris Climate Agency (APC)
- Publication date
- 9 September 2024
- Author
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency