ManagEnergy is a European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies with the objectives of assisting them in becoming leaders in the energy transition and of increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities.
Over the years 2017-2020, the initiative delivered outstanding results, with a unique combination of capacity-building and networking activities, involving one-fourth of the 350 European energy agencies in 25 EU countries. The ManagEnergy Publishable Report 2017 – 2020 describes in detail all the activities performed and how it helped energy agencies lead the Energy Transition.
The 2022-2026 work programme aims to build on these achievements, and further support the role of energy agencies by providing information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities.
To achieve these goals, a consortium has been formed, coordinated by the Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), a leading third level education and training provider in Ireland. It also includes FEDARENE, a vibrant and strong network of Energy Agencies in Europe (BE), 5 leading European Energy Agencies (REGEA North West Croatia - HR, OÖ Energiesparverband/ESV – AT, Tipperary Energy Agency – IE; AURA EE – FR, Energap – SL), IT Experts from Austria (Akaryon) and SMEs Energy Experts from Germany and Spain (B.&S.U. and ESCAN). Among the 10 partners, six were already involved in the previous consortium and two more as ManagEnergy experts and trainers.
During the next four years, partners will carry out 12 Master Classes, 28 Expert Missions, 7 Work Shadowing Schemes, 4 ManagEnergy Talks and 8 Online Seminars.
While Master Classes, Expert Missions and ManagEnergy Talks were already included in the previous offer and made the success of the initiative, the Work Shadowing Schemes and Online Seminars are novelties.
- Master Classes: energy agencies learn about innovative financing, project development, energy communities, etc. through a 3-days of interactive tuition (online and in Brussels) delivered by ManagEnergy experts;
- Expert missions: Carrefully chosen experts visit selected energy agencies and provide on-site training sessions and direct one-to-one coaching.
- Work Shadowing Schemes: Energy Agencies visit innovative agencies for 2 days to gain insights into their internal operations and structures.
- ManagEnergy Talks: A range of Public Talks delivered by well-known climate and energy experts followed by thought-provoking discussions with the audience.
- Online Seminars: Seminars focusing on innovative techniques and tools for implementing large-scale energy transition projects.
The first activities will soon be launched, including our Energy Agencies survey so stay tuned!
- Reference
- ManagEnergy Master Class, Expert Missions, Work Shadowing, ManagEnergy Talks, Online Seminars
- Publication date
- 12 January 2023